No one chooses to get or remain addicted to drugs.
By creating an audio composition of 64 different voices describing the urge to use, I invite listeners into the mind of the user, fertile ground for empathy.
People suffering addiction have much to teach us.
By presenting their messages on bathroom mirrors, I invite viewers into an intimate space in which they can access the struggles of the person addicted and also see themselves reflected.
Addiction is like drowning.
Submerging the eyes in water changes the relationship of viewer to the person suffering addiction.
Psychological injury often lies at the core addiction
By juxtaposing our expenditures on physical safety with stories of trauma, we realize how misdirected our efforts to keep children safe really are.
Most of us are addicted to something.
By depicting eight common addictions from the first-person perspective, I democratize the work ADDICT, helping viewers understand that they, too are addicted.
Overdose deaths deserve to be mourned.
By providing communities a chance to acknowledge loss, we bring overdose deaths out into the open.